Love Chain Garland

This Love Chain is the perfect way to decorate your child’s bedroom door in anticipation of the holiday or as a surprise on Valentine’s Day.  With the addition of an affirmation heart it’s a great way to say I love you! 

There are so many ways to approach this Love Chain Garland so I will share some of the many options here.  I always tell my daughter that there is no perfect in art so don’t worry.  I find these so much more charming with wonky or asymmetrical hearts. You can place your hearts shoulder to shoulder or feature a few across the garland.   Make this project your own and be sure to share your version.  I loved to see your results.  


Colored construction paper – I chose pink, red, and white



Stapler or double sticky tape depending on your child’s ability

Neutral-colored yarn or ribbon


Making the Love Chain

1) Cut your colored paper into strips. You can measure to make them all the same width and length or you can have some thicker and longer depending on the heart styles you want to include.  To create the double stack heart you will cut your strips from two sheets in different directions – one going the width of the page and the other cut to the length of paper.

 2) Cut the yarn or ribbon into pieces and tie into loops to hang the hearts on the yarn.  If you don’t want the hearts to hang from the yarn or ribbon, you can skip this step.

3) Take a strip of paper and fold it in half, making a crease.  This will be the bottom of the heart.


 4) Take an open end piece of the paper and curl it to the center of the V.  If using double sticky tape you can place the tape on the outside edge of the end before curling it in.  Repeat with the other end.

5) Place the knotted side of the loop between the two pieces of paper. Grab the pieces from the bottom and staple them together. Be sure the staple covers the yarn to hold it in. If using tape press the two pieces with the yarn in between tightly to ensure the tape adheres well.  

6) Once you have made enough hearts for your garland, measure a piece of yarn or ribbon to the desired length for your garland.  Tie the long piece through the loop on each heart spaced the desired distance from one another.  If you prefer to have your hearts connected shoulder to shoulder, you can create a more traditional paper chain by taping or stapling the hearts directly to one another side by side.

7) To create a double heart, you will need 1 short strip and 1 long strip of paper.  Fold both in half to make the V and then use the double-sided tape to attach the smaller heart inside the larger one by connecting the two open ends.

8) Curve the connected ends to the center and staple with the yarn loop just as you did with the single hearts.

9) Whether your Love Chain is a string garland or a paper chain, it will carry your message of love and add some whimsy to your holiday.  Take these further by decorating the paper before folding it with markers, crayons, glitter, or sequins, or write messages of love on them or add a string of lights to add some more warmth to your winter decor.  Make it your own!