Yarn Xs, Os, and Heart Ornaments


These Xs and Os are such a simple and cute project.  Put these in a bowl or hang them as ornaments.  


Cardboard pieces

Yarn and Twine



Double-sided tape


 Making the Ornaments

1) Draw the desired shapes onto your cardboard pieces and cut out the shapes


 2) Add the double-sided tape to the inside corners and outside points on the cardboard.  This will make it easier to ensure the cord stays in place.

3) Tape the yarn to the center of one of your cardboard pieces and wrap the yarn around until you no longer see any cardboard.   It is easiest if you wrap continuously around the piece.  I usually find it takes at least two complete rounds to cover the gaps.   Because the yarn overlaps the center point each time, you will get a nice 3-dimensional look to the ornament. The Xs require wrapping from the center and up and down each arm back to center.

4) When you are finished cut the yarn and tuck the end under the other strings using a pencil tip. 


The process of wrapping the yarn is very soothing.  Anytime I have used this process for a kid’s craft class project it is a big hit. So simple and so rewarding!  The ornaments are very tactile but soft and safe for playing. With enough hugs and kisses, you can play tic tac toe!